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Dataset nameLicenseSynopsis
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)A highway and a public right of way mean the same thing; they are both a way over which the public have a legal right to pass and repass at all times
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of all adult social care services in Nottingham, including information about the type of service
Open Government LicenceThe Environment Act 1995 placed a statutory duty on Local Authoriites to undertake assessments of air quality in their areas and; where air quality did not meet or was predicted not to meet specified air quality objectives (AQOs) to declare air quality management areas (AQMAs)
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Area Committees enable ward councillors, along with local residents and other stakeholders, to influence what happens in each area through direct decision making
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Areas whereby the Council can remove permitted development rights in order to preserve the character and amenity of an area, including the historic environment
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)City-wide area within which permitted development rights have been removed for changes of use from family/single household occupancy dwellings to Houses in Multiple Occupation (dwellings shared by between 3 and 6 unrelated occupiers)
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Bollards are internally illuminated objects on the highway designed to provide warnings to drivers of potential hazards ahead, for example directional arrows
External data - check with providerOrdnance Survey's Boundary-Line contains the full hierarchy of local government administrative boundaries and electoral boundaries for Great Britain, including Nottingham's city boundary
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The Government has set out its commitment to introduce a statutory brownfield register and ensure that 90% of suitable brownfield sites have planning permission for housing by 2020
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of bus stops in Nottingham, including additional information relating to accessibility and facilities of the stop
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Bus and tram lanes in Nottingham City
Open Government LicenceImages captured by Traffic Control CCTV cameras
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of CCTV cameras
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The location of car parks
Open Government LicenceLive car parking data for sites within the Nottingham ParkSmart system
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Centre island posts are poles with horizontal white stripes with a flashing light on top
External data - check with providerCode-Point Open contains a list of all the current postcode units in Great Britain, each of which has a precise geographic location at a resolution of one metre
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of Community Centres owned by Nottingham City Council and Community Spaces within Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Areas designated as Conservation Areas under Section 69 of the Planning (Listed buildings and Conservation Areas) Act, 1990
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of cycle hub (cycle parking) and cycle hire locations in Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs) give police officers discretionary powers to require a person to stop drinking and confiscate alcohol or containers of alcohol in public places
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of Disabled parking spaces in the City of Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of Fire stations
External data - check with providerBritish Geological Survey (BGS) has a wide range of datasets they publish for free under OpenGeoScience
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The location of the 180 yellow grit bins provided by Nottingham City Council
Open Government LicenceLocation of NHS Nottingham City owned and leased premises from which community health services are provided
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Illuminated signs help make our roads safer by giving directional instructions to drivers
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Locations of Joint Services Centres in Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of leisure centres operated by Nottingham City Council
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of libraries in Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Buildings of special architectural or historic interest are 'listed', and are graded I, II* and II according to their importance
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Marked areas for loading in the city of Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Local Nature Reserves (LNRs) are a statutory designation made under Section 21 of the National Parks and Access to the Countryside Act 1949 by principal local authorities
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Boundary of City Centre for planning policy purposes
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Area within the City Centre with a concentrated area of caves
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Areas identified for regeneration focus
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)This dataset should be referenced alongside the Local Plan for Nottingham City and the Core Strategy which guides development in Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Enterprise Zones are areas of high growth potential where simpler planning and discounted business rates can be used to boost the local economy
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Focal Points relate to views within the townscape of the City Centre which need to be considered in the design of development
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The extent of the Green Belt around Nottingham - Derby which appears within the boundaries of Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The area of Highway Planning Lines safeguarded for road improvements within Nottingham City, indicating areas of land required to deliver transport schemes
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Indicative area safeguarding for highway improvement routes within Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Retail designation; the clusters provide varied frontages to a series of main routes that link the City Centre to surrounding neighbourhoods
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The extent of land safeguarded for the development of Health Facilities within Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The location of Landmark Buildings within Nottingham City Centre
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The location of Landmark Features within Nottingham City Centre
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The location of local retail centres within Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The extent of the Major Business Parks and Industrial Estates which are significant employment areas within Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Area of land that is protected for future possible extension of the NET
Open Government LicenceLand protected for pedestrian routes and infrastructure
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)City Council administrative boundary This dataset should be referenced alongside the Local Plan for Nottingham City and the Core Strategy which guides development in Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Defined area where retail development is concentrated (generally comprising the Primary and those Secondary Frontages which are adjoining and closely related to the primary shopping frontage)
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The extents of the Primary Shopping Frontages in Nottingham City Centre
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Net stop proposed within the City Centre close to Broadmarsh and the new college site
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Comprehensive Environmental Improvements for Pedestrians and Cyclists - City Centre improvements to the pedestrian and public transport environment
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Indicative location of public squares to be created or improved within Nottingham City Centre
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Areas of land safeguarded for future rail line upgrading
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Areas of land protected for possible future railway stations
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Retail Opportunity Areas have been identified as appropriate areas for improvement and would be supported for retail and environmental enhancements contributing to the wider regeneration of the City Centre
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Site allocations form part of the future development proposals in Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The extent of sites safeguarded for Further and Higher Education, Research and Development, and Information & Communication Technology facilities within Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Area of land prioritised for regeneration
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Locations of markets in Nottingham including information about the days on which the markets operate
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of motorcycle bays in Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Museums and galleries in Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of all one-way streets in Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Park and Ride sites providing access to Nottingham city centre by tram and bus
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of Pay and Display parking in the City of Nottingham
Open Government LicencePlanning applications received by Nottingham City Council, updated on a daily basis
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)This dataset shows the most recent Polling District boundaries for Nottingham City
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The location of polling stations in Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Catchment areas for Nottingham City Infant, Junior and Primary Schools for applications relating to multiple academic years
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Boundaries indicating the extent of land and property assets owned by Nottingham City Council
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)This data contains information for definitive Public Rights of Way: this being a digital representation of the information in the Definitive Map and Statement which is the Council's legal register of where the public have a right to walk or ride and in some cases use a motorised vehicle
Open Government LicencePublic Spaces Protection Orders help reduce crime or antisocial behaviour occurring either on the path itself or resulting from its use
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of railway stations in Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of recycling centres in Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Registered Childcare providers in Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of residential parking spaces in the City of Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The location of `Safe Places' throughout Nottingham
Open Government LicenceThe Department for Education's register of educational establishments in England and Wales
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Catchment areas for Nottingham City Secondary Schools for applications relating to multiple academic years
Open Government LicenceThis is the designation (boundary) for Nottingham City Council's scheme of selective licensing 2018-2023
INSPIRE End User LicenceThe City of Nottingham is subject to a number of Smoke Control Orders covering the whole of the City's administrative area
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The locations of sporting stadia
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) requires local authorities to undertake an assessment of land availability to identify a future supply of land which is suitable, available and achievable for housing and economic development uses
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Streetlights, commonly known as 'lamp-posts', are designed to make the streets safer for pedestrians and drivers
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Location of taxi ranks in Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The route of lines 1 and 2 of the Nottingham's tram system includes the 2nd phase through Beeston and Clifton which is now operational
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The stops along the route of lines 1 and 2 of the Nottingham's tram system includes the 2nd phase through Beeston and Clifton which is now operational
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)This layer shows the location of of trees, groups of trees, woodlands and other areas of trees in the City of Nottingham
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Data shown is for trees that are maintained by Nottingham City Council within the Nottingham City boundary
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)The electoral ward boundaries for Nottingham City have been revised and approved by the Local Government Boundary Commission and will become effective following the local elections in May 2019
Open Government Licence (Ordnance Survey derived data)Zebra crossings are pedestrian crossing places on roads marked with broad black and white stripes across the road